Our next dance is Sunday, May 7, with a rumba lesson by Chip Hindi

Gladys and Dale Shamblin take the floor at our last USA Dance (Thanks to Jewel Paur for the photo).
Gladys and Dale Shamblin take the floor at our last USA Dance. (Photo by Jewel Paur.)

Our next dance is 3 – 5 p.m. Sunday, May 7. Chip Hindi, owner of Enchantment Dancing, will teach a free rumba lesson at 2:15 p.m.

Our venue is the Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4915 Hawkins St. NE. Perry Pedersen will DJ. Admission is $5 for USA Dance members and $10 for others.

See you on the dance floor!

Put your sole into fundraising. Donate your gently worn dance shoes to USA Dance on Sunday, June 18. That is also a Member Appreciation Dance, so USA Dance members get in for free.
Find a pair of shoes that suit your fancy and fit your feet, and take them home in exchange for a donation to our USA Dance chapter. Step up in style — and help USA Dance continue to host these dances!

Back to the future. Our dance demos will return on Sunday, June 4, when Beth Ciccone performs with CSP instructor Nicolás Rael. And we’ll return to Santa Fe for the first time since 2019 for a chapter dance at Dance Station on Saturday, Sept. 23. We’ll keep you posted.

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