Jim and Lisa perform at USA Dance this Sunday

Jim Schreiber and Lisa Mondy (pictured) will perform a foxtrot at our next USA Dance this Sunday, Oct. 15. The dance is 3 – 5 p.m. Debra Williams, a member of the board of our USA Dance chapter, will teach a free tango lesson at 2:15 p.m. Our DJ is Perry Pedersen. We’re at the Albuquerque Square Dance Club, 4915 Hawkins St. NE. Admission is $5 for USA Dance members and $10 for others.
Jim and Lisa, both retired chemical engineers from Sandia National Laboratories, have been dancing for more than 20 years. They take lessons from Cristel Pike, who choreographed Sunday’s foxtrot routine, and coaching from Rosa Delgadillo. The long-time Albuquerque residents enjoy skiing and hiking as well as ballroom dancing. They’ve performed for us several times, and we welcome them back!

USA Dance in Santa Fe. Join us for a free USA Dance in Santa Fe from 2:30 – 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28. We’re at Dance Station, 947 W. Alameda. Did we mention that admission is free?
Election season. We will elect new members to our chapter’s board of directors at our Dec. 3 dance. If you are interested in running or have questions about serving on the board, please email us at info@usadancenm.org or talk to Sue Thorson or Claude Valles at a dance. Sue and Claude are co-chairs of our nominations and elections committee. Serving on the board is a great way of helping our chapter continue to put on these dances.